Frebbventure (+ OST Download)
A downloadable game
In a world gone wild, there's only one animal man enough to put his foot down!
Join Frebb's small clique of reluctant "friends" as they rumble, tumble, and action-platform their way through the craziest journey of the year! A simple feud with the Mac Daddy of Planet Earth descends into wild cosmic conspiracy, as Frebb disrupts and uncovers the true purpose of a year-long party and its connections with a mysterious alien super-fuel!
BUY NOW on Steam! (Itch.io purchase coming sometime maybe)
The project on Sonic Fangames HQ (yeah they take indies despite the name)
Join the Frebbventure discord channel!
Check me out on DA! Don't worry, no lewd.
Twitter, where I update most frequently.
- Fast-paced but deep platforming with an endless array of momentum-boosting tricks!
- Four playable characters, brimming with personality, flashy moves, and unique mechanics! Play any stage as anyone you want!
- Simple but satisfying combat that never breaks the pace of the adventure!
- Challenging and dynamic boss fights that'll keep you on your toes!

- Gorgeous, atmospheric environments that range from jaw-dropping to spine-tingling!
- An extensive cast of lovable and love-to-hateable characters!
- An off-the-rails action-adventure campaign jam-packed with highly animated cutscenes!
- Secrets! Mysteries! Lore!!
Development log
- Full game OST now available!Jun 19, 2024
- Frebb launches on steam! New projects on the way!Feb 23, 2023
- 0.5.1 and SAGE '22!Sep 02, 2022
- 0.4.1 - Post SAGE buildSep 04, 2021
- The Great Frebbdiscord!Aug 31, 2021
- Frebbventure hits SAGE... again! (0.4)Aug 21, 2021
- The Great FrebbtwitterAug 16, 2021
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itch.io purchase coming... Sometime maybe?
fun game but sadly catbird level is broken. Hitting the S key causes the game to crash and when you beat the boss at the end; you can't skip the dialog cause the S key causes the game to crash and no other button continues it. This is the error i get.
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_catbird:
Variable obj_catbird.global_cutscene(100543, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_catbird_Step_0
Sorry if It sounded like I was pissy in my other comment..I was really super pissed off at the Catbird level...and especially after a fun boss fight like Smoker..a Touhou level is what I DIDN'T want. I have some OTHER criticisms with the game as well. But the biggest one thankfully was fixed with the addition of Checkpoints.
But the biggest one I have right now is that the Catbird Stage is WAAAAYYY too hard for being in the First world. It starts out fine but as soon as the first Worthog riding a Terodactyl is introduced all of the fun I have goes out the damn window as it basically turns into BULLET HELL, that I don't know how the hell one is supposed to Dodge without pouring HOURS into the game. I get the game is MEANT to be hard, I got that sort of vibe as early as the first level. But the difference is that the most of the levels were fair. If I wanted a Bullet hell Experiance, I'd play a Bullet Hell game such as Touhou or even Undertale.
To balance my complaining though I do have some suggestions as I mentioned in the other comment. One suggestion is nerfing the enemy's health, not to the point where they aren't a threat mind you..but rather to the point where you can take them out decently quickly without having to focus fire and get hit by other attacks in the process. Another Suggestion is making the Plane less of a pain in the butt to control, well..okay the plane controls would be fine if the level more focused on you dodging basic obstacles..but I'm assuming that's not your full intention. Honestly I feel the controls for it should be more like how it is when your spinning, and that ability should be more of a quick dodge in what ever direction you choose. It could end up putting you into a wall if you're not careful but at least it's SOMETHING for fighting the enemies in the level. And the Last suggestion is..honestly just scrap most of the enemies that fire at you in exchange for more obstacles, to teach the players how to control the plane as it is the first level with said plane in it...
Other than that..I overall enjoy this game for it's wacky Looney Tunes Humor, mixed with a simple yet..competent story over all and a really deep movement system that encourages you to be creative with how you go through certain levels. Not to mention the Boss fights so far are fairly on point with little to no problems as far as I can tell. And I do hope you continue working on this as it is overall a good package so far. Though one last suggestion, please add controller support..a controller would be amazing for a game like this.
Hi there, and thanks for taking the time to leave such a detailed comment! Sorry it took me so long to get around to replying, too; it's not that I was offended and didn't want to talk, I just...really don't check in on this page very often, what with how little traffic it gets in general and how infrequent updates are.
The game does seem, all things considered, to be a bit harder in practice than I intended it to be; at least based on the opinion of the one other person who really discusses it with me in-depth. And looking back, I can definitely see how the Catbird stage might be a little much all at once.
I suppose it also kinds of lacks focus, initially having a more complex, navigation-centric control scheme but then kind of going bullet hell, with the exact same control setup. More basic obstacles, and fewer enemies with slower rates of fire wouldn't be a bad idea by any means.
I look forward to hearing more feedback from you in the future. Negative feedback can sting at times, but it'll sting a lot more if I get it all at once in the form of post-release Steam reviews.
Alright. So far though, aside from that one stage, I honestly do like what there is to the main levels. Even if they can get frustrating at times. I spent a good chunk of time on the Caterpillar and especially on the Village as well. (I actually rage quit on that particular level due to the Rain Physics. But after that I got better at the game and that level, and I was able to beat the level without the Raindeer shorts)
It reminds me a bit of Sonic from a visual stand point, but in terms of level design it actually reminds me more of..Donkey Kong Country oddly enough.
Enjoyed your game =D gonna be making a part 2 on it soon. Definitely following =D
Thanks! I gave your video a like and left a comment.