Alpha 0.1.0 release

Been a good long while, ain'it? Progress might've seemed slow-going, but this has been a very frontloaded development process so far. That's the nature of a systems sandbox game like this, and I wanted to make sure basically everything I'd need in the future was done before moving on and knocking out biomes and bosses one after another. That said, I still wanted to get this build out as soon as possible, which is why I didn't even wait to make a new trailer before putting it up.

Included is:

- The title and map screen. It's kinda like a real game, now!

- The forest and beach main biomes, as well as several "hybrid" biomes that mix tilesets and enemy palettes.

- Boss fights! There're three big bads to be battled in Riverland Valley, as will there be in each subsequent world. One boss for every main biome, basically, with possible remix fights for the potential harder remix biomes that MIGHT make the cut, depending on how much Early Mammal Madness you all can actually handle.

- Organs, which are basically your Paper Mario badges for all intents and purposes. There're three slots, the Heart, Lungs, and Belly, each of which grant Erma significant transformative perks that related to health, movement, and hunger, respectively. They're purchased with Organs Cells, a special currency that levels marked with a red Boss Egg or a golden... Golden Egg may drop.

- Glands, which are basically randomly-generated "spells" that you can equip two of at a time. Glands are also dropped by boss and gold eggs, but rather than purchasing them with another currency, they're simply doled out with completely randomized properties.

Files 109 MB
Nov 05, 2023

Get Erma (Early Mammal) - Alpha 0.3.1

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