Patch 0.1.1

Very minor balancing patch. After having it brought to my attention that certain builds allow you to take down bosses in literally 4 seconds or less by just getting up in their faces and holding down all three mouse buttons, I've made a few broad changes.

- Attack power no longer scales up quite so drastically when increasing Erma's size. It was initially a multiplier as simple as "damage *= size," but things no longer scale quite that directly.

- Parts that increase the speed and power of most attacks have had their effects toned down a bit.

- Enemies now gain a few frames of "pseudo-invincibility" whenever they're hit, wherein the next attack will only do 10% damage. That sounds like a huge deal, but it is a TINY window that'll never never come into effect if you aren't just mashing left and right mouse simultaneously. I want to give the player access to the UTILITY of their full moveset at all times, without turning the ability to scratch and bite at the same time into an effortless 2x damage multiplier.

- Bosses now have a scaling "spam resistance" threshold, which gradually increases their damage resistance if they're being hit too rapidly by too many high-damage attacks and quickly decreases if you let off them. NOTE: THIS IS A VERY WIP, MOSTLY TEMPORARY SOLUTION. It is sadly not yet quite as invisible of a handicap as I'd hoped.

To end on a more positive note, here's a look at the upcoming jungle and desert biomes:

Files 110 MB
Nov 24, 2023

Get Erma (Early Mammal) - Alpha 0.3.1

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