Alpha 0.2.0

Actually had the new build up for a good few days now, debating with myself whether I wanted to make a big release trailer for it, but I think I'm going to save that for the next upate. 

What's new for now?

- World 2: Lost Wilderness! Yup, the whole second third of the game. Alpha 0.2.0 features three new biomes, the Jungle, Desert, and Caverns, each with their complete enemy set and accompanying boss.

- Rework to "anti spamming" measures. The spam resistance timer on bosses has been made far shorter; it previously took 8 seconds without damage for it to reach max cooldown, but it now only takes one second. So now you won't be running around for what feels like an eternity of waiting every time you bite the boss's face a few too many times in a row!

What's next?

Setpieces and random events! If you've ever played Don't Starve, well, the concept is basically identical to that. Just a small handfull of rare thingamabobs to make the procgen levels feel a bit less repetitive and predictable. Most will be decorative, but a few will serve some gameplay purpose. Here're just two of the twenty+ that I already have!


Erma Alpha 143 MB
78 days ago

Get Erma (Early Mammal) - Alpha 0.3.1

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